Свабоду грузінскай журналістцы Мзіі Амаглабелі! Заява праваабарончых арганізацый
Журналісты, рэдакцыі, абаронцы свабоды прэсы, праваабаронцы, журналісцкія арганізацыі і прадстаўнікі ЕС заклікаюць улады Грузіі неадкладна вызваліць Мзію Амаглабелі, якая трымала галадоўку на працягу пяці тыдняў з моманту арышту ў пачатку студзеня.

Мзія Амаглабелі. Фота: з сайта newsgeorgia.ge
11 студзеня падчас падаўлення ўрадам прадэмакратычных пратэстаў спадарыня Мзія была арыштавана па непрапарцыйным абвінавачанням у нападзе на паліцэйскага пасля сваркі з начальнікам паліцыі ў Батумі — абвінавачанне прадугледжвае да сямі гадоў пазбаўлення волі. З тых часоў яе несправядліва ўтрымлівалі ў папярэднім зняволенні, дзе яна вырашыла адмовіцца ад ежы на знак пратэсту супраць дрэннага абыходжання з ёй і супраць больш шырокіх рэпрэсій у Грузіі.
18 лютага Мзія абвясціла пра спыненні галадоўкі пасля таго, як лекары папярэдзілі, што яе жыццю існуе непасрэдная пагроза.
4 лютага Мзію перавялі ў бальніцу, дзе лекары папярэдзілі, што ў яе хутка стане недастатковасць органаў. Суд па пераглядзе меры стрымання Мзіі прызначаны на 4 сакавіка.
Мзію чакае доўгая рэабілітацыя, каб аднавіць здароўе, і яе нельга вяртаць у турму.
Спадарыня Мзія з’яўляецца заснавальніцай і дырэктаркай Batumelebi і Netgazeti, двух самых папулярных і паважаных інтэрнэт-парталаў навін Грузіі, якія асвятляюць карупцыю і злоўжыванні ўладай. На працягу сваёй кар’еры Мзія дэманстравала ўзорную мужнасць і непахісную прыхільнасць абароне дэмакратычных каштоўнасцяў, свабоды прэсы і правоў журналістаў.
Арышт Мзіі адбыўся падчас жорсткага падаўлення дэмакратычных пратэстаў і эскалацыі нападаў на незалежных журналістаў.
Са сваёй турэмнай камеры Мзія даслала наступнае паведамленне:
«Гэтыя працэсы разгортваюцца на працягу апошняга года і ўкараняюцца ў наша паўсядзённае жыццё ў якасці дыктатуры. Свабода значна даражэйшая за жыццё, і яна пастаўлена на карту. Змагайцеся, пакуль не позна […] Я не схілюся перад гэтым рэжымам. Я не буду гуляць па яго правілах».
Улады Грузіі павінны неадкладна вызваліць Мзію, зняць з яе непрапарцыйныя абвінавачванні і правесці незалежнае расследаванне абвінавачанняў у жорсткім абыходжанні з ёй. Мы падтрымліваем Мзію Амаглабелі, яе калег з Batumelebi і Netgazeti, а таксама ўсіх незалежных журналістаў Грузіі.
Гэтую заяву ініцыяваў Міжнародны інстытут прэсы (IPI), глабальная сетка рэдактараў, кіраўнікоў СМІ і вядучых журналістаў.
- International Press Institute (IPI)
- Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)
- European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
- European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
- Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
- International Federation for Human Rights
- Media Diversity Institute Global
- Society of Journalists (TD), Poland
- Justice for Journalists Foundation
- National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), Ukraine
- Journalists Union of Serbia / SINOS, Serbia
- Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK), Kosovo
- Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), North Macedonia
- The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), Belarus
- Association of Journalists (GCD), Türkiye
- The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics
- Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ), Croatia
- Center for Media, Information and Social Research (CMIS), Georgia
- Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS), Serbia
- Hungarian Press Union (HPU), Hungary
- Studio Monitor (Georgia)
- Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels (ALJP), Luxembourg
- Association of Polish Journalists (SDP), Poland
- Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ), Georgia
- South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
- Transparency International Georgia (TIG)
- Granski sindikat kulture, umetnosti i medija „Nezavisnost“ (GS KUM “Nezavisnost”), Serbia
- Maisi News (Georgia)
- Agrupación de Periodistas FSC-CCOO, Spain
- Media Diversity Institute (MDI)
- Reporters without Borders (Reporters sans frontières)
- Muwatin Media Network
- Media Ombudsman (Georgia)
- Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS)
- Media April (Georgia)
- Public Record (Romania)
- Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC)
- Caucasus Open Space (Georgia)
- Asociacja Human Constanta International
- PumaPodcast, Philippines
- Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS)
- The Fix Media
- Human Rights Center (HRC), Georgia
- Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ), France
- Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union (JMWU), Russia
- Formula TV, Georgia
- Media Voice
- Rights Georgia
- Journalist’s Network for Gender Equality
- Global Bar Magazine, Sweden
- Civil.ge, Georgia
- Voxeurop.eu
- Association of European Journalists (AEJ), France
- Georgian Alliance of Regional Broadcasters
- Journalism Resource Center
- Progressive Journalists Association (PJA), Türkiye
- Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), Greece
- Association des Journalistes professionnels (AJP), Belgium
- Georgiannews / Mtis Ambebi
- Swedish Union of Journalists (SJF), Sweden
- Icelandic Union of Journalists (BI), Iceland
- Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ), Norway
- Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans
- Journalists About Journalism, (jaj.gr)
- Danish Union of Journalists (DJ), Denmark
- Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Türkiye
- Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Estonian Association of Journalists (EAL), Estonia
- Women in Media NGO, Ukraine
- European Journalism Training Association (EJTA), Belgium
- Index on Censorship
- Association of European Journalists (AEJ)
- Association of European Journalists (AEJ), Bulgaria
- I‑VIN.INFO, Ukraine
- IMS (International Media Support), Denmark
- ARTICLE 19 Europe
- Fnsi – Federazione nazionale della Stampa italiana (Italy)
- The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS)
- Oštro, a center for investigative journalism in the Adriatic region, Slovenia
- www.timer.ge
- Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU)
- On.ge
- Mediaforum Association, Hungary
- Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA)
Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ)
- Scott Griffen, Executive Director, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Oliver Money-Kyrle, Head of European Advocacy, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Teona Sekhniashvili, Europe Network & Advocacy Officer, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Zeyneb Gültekin, Türkiye Programme Coordinator, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Damla Tarhan Durmuş, Türkiye FOI Project Coordinator, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Ronja Koskinen, Press Freedom Officer, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Eero Lassila, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellow, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Dumitrita Holdis, Europe Programme Manager, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Karol Łuczka, Eastern Europe Advocacy Lead, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Dinara Satbayeva, Communications Officer, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Alina Cristea, Innovation Projects Officer, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Javier Luque, Head of Digital Media and Online Safety, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Grace Linczer, Membership and Engagement Manager, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Ryan Powell, Head of Innovation, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Gabriela Manuli, Director of Special Projects, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Timothy Large, Director of Independent Media Programmes, International Press Institute (IPI)
- Moreta Bobokhidze, Eurasia Program Officer, Civil Rights Defenders
- Irakli Vachiberadze, “info imereti”
- Anne Leppäjärvi, Degree Director, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
- Alina Toropova, Journalists-in-Residence Programme Manager, ECPMF
- Ena Bavčić, EU Advocacy Officer, ECPMF
- Elena Rodina, Coordinator, Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), ECPMF
- Patrick Peltz, Monitoring and Research Officer, ECPMF
- Andreas Lamm, Managing Director, ECPMF
- Gürkan Özturan, Monitoring Officer, ECPMF
- Luc Steinberg, Head of Operations, Media Diversity Institute Global
- Dejan Gligorijević, Journalists Union of Serbia / SINOS member of EFJ / IFJ
- Yusuf Kanlı, Vice-Chair, Association of Journalists, Türkiye
- Cristi Godinac, president Romanian Union of Journalists MediaSind
- Sari Taussi, Member of BREG/EFJ, Union of Journalists in Finland
- Renate Schroeder, Director, EFJ
- Ricardo Gutiérrez, EFJ General Secretary
- Maja Sever, EFJ president
- Renate Gensch, Member of FREG/EFJ, dju in ver.di, Germany
- Krzysztof Bobinski, board member, Society of Journalists (Warsaw)
- Lia Chakhunashvili, The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Executive Director (Georgia)
- Maya Metskhvarishvili, Editor at the Studio Monitor, Georgia
- Ekaterine Basilaia, Director, Center for Media, Information and Social Research (CMIS)
- Khatia Lomidze, The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Editor at the Mediachecker, (Georgia)
- Boris Sajaia, Journalist at the Mediachecker, The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, (Georgia)
- Ninia Kakabadze, Mediachecker, The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, (Georgia)
- Natalia Vakhtangashvili, Journalist, Media Project Coordinator at Transparency International Georgia
- Tinatin Zazadze, Editor et the “samkhretis karibche” sknews.ge (Georgia)
- Gulo Kokhodze, Samkhretis Karibche” sknews.ge ( Georgia)
- Vladimer Chkhitunidze, Journalist at Radio “Marneuli”, (Georgia)
- Tiko Davadze, Journalist at Radio “Marneuli”, (Georgia)
- Kamila Mamedova, Director, Radio “Marneuli” (Georgia)
- Nino Zuriashvili, Editor at the Studio Monitor, Georgia
- Roger Infalt, Secretary general of the luxembourgish Press Council, board member of the luxembourgish association of professional journalists (Luxembourg)
- Mariusz Pilis, vice president of the Association of Polish Journalists (SDP)
- Jolanta Hajdasz, president of the Association of Polish Journalists (SDP)
- Irma Dimitradze, Journalist, Gazeti Batumelebi
- Die Morina van Uijtregt, Journalist, Netherlands/Kosovo
- Zviad Pochkhua, IAGJ President
- Janusz Wiertel, Society of Journalists (Warsaw)
- Dorota Nygren, Society of Journalists(Warsaw)
- Darko Šper, Granski sindikat kulture, umetnosti i medija „Nezavisnost“ (The (Branch) Trade Union for Culture, Art and Media “Nezavisnost”), Serbia
- Kathy Kiely, Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies, Missouri School of Journalism
- Erol Önderoğlu, Press freedom advocate, Türkiye
- Edik Baghdasaryan, Editor in Chief, Hetq, Armenia
- Nana Biganishvili, Editor at the Studio Monitor, Georgia
- Maria Laura Franciosi, Ossigeno.info
- István Kulcsár
- Tomasz Milkowski, SDRP, Poland
- Rinat Tuhvatshin, Kloop, Kyrgyzstan
- Anna Kapushenko, Kloop, Kyrgyzstan
- Lika Zakashvili, Editor in chief at the Publika, Georgia
- Krzysztof Dowgird Society of Journalists (Warsaw)
- Małgorzata Bonikowska Society of Journalists (Warsaw) Canada
- Andrzej Zimowski Society of Journalists (Warsaw)
- Katarzyna Wyszomierska (Warsaw)
- Siromani Dhungana, Chairperson, Democracy Media Network, Nepal
- Galina Sidorova, journalist, co-founder, Community of Investigative Journalists – Foundation 19/29, Russia-Czech Republik
- Natia Kapanadze – Media Lawyer, Human Rights Defender
- Alex Raufoglu, State Department Correspondent, Turan News Agency
- Wahid Bhat, Environment editor, and Co-founder, Ground Report, India
- Jan Keulen, journalist
- Mamuka Andguladze, Chair of Media Advocacy Coalition (Georgia)
- Emilia Șercan, investigative journalist, Romania
- Olena Cherniavska, EU Advocacy, IRFS
- Annia Ciezadlo, Investigations Editor, The Public Source (Beirut, Lebanon)
- José Luis Benítez, journalist (El Salvador)
- Stavroula Poulimeni, journalist, Alterthess.gr, (Greece)
- Khatia Ghoghoberidze (Media April)
- Nina Shengelia, Policy Leader Fellow, European University Institute
- Lukas Diko, Editor-in-chief, Investigative center of Jan Kuciak, Slovakia
- Marius Dragomir, Director, Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC)
- Markus Drechsler, Editor, Menschen & Rechte, Austria
- Ehsan Ahmed Sehar, President Rural Media Network Pakistan
- Ijaz Ahmed Khan, Editor Daily Nawa-I-AhmedpurSharqia, Pakistan
- Nouneh Sarkissian, Managing Director, Media Initiatives Center, Armenia
- Carlos Dada, Editor in Chief, El Faro (Central America)
- Annette Rose, Journalist, dju in ver.di, Germany
- Mohamed Ibrahim, President Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS)
- Arzu Geybulla, journalist, freelance
- Petr Oralek, Czech News Agency (Czech Republic)
- Lika Antadze (Chai Khana Media)
- Ginko Kobayashi (Freelance for Japanese media)
- Ucha Nanuashvili (former Public Defender of Georgia)
- Salome Ugulava, journalist, Formula TV
- Lukas Burnar, Executive Director, Medienhaus andererseits, Austria
- Joanna Grotkowska (Society of Journalists) , Warsaw, Polish Radio
- Vladimer Mkervalishvili, Media and Communication Expert, Professor
- Teresa Di Mauro, journalist, freelance
- Mariam Gersamia, Chair of Media Voice
- Nata Koridze, Managing Editor, Civil.ge
- Gian-Paolo Accardo, executive editor, Voxeurop.eu
- Nino Baindurashvili, News Writer, Civil.ge
- Andreï Jvirblis, freelance journalist
- Sergey Burtsev, KubanNovosti
- Olga Proskurnina, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Republic.ru
- Ekaterina Biyak, Activatika
- Natia Kuprashvili – Head of PhD Mass Communication Program, TSU. Journalism Resource Center
- Nina Kheladze – TOK TV Director
- Konstantinos Alexopoulos
- Laura Gogoladze, Editor in chief at the Chemi Kharagauli, Georgia
- Josh LaPorte, Media Diversity Institute Global
- Gela Mtivlishvili, editor, journalist, Georgiannews / Mtis Ambebi
- Noémi Martini, journalist at HVG (Hungary)
- Ekaterina Kotrikadze, TV Rain, News director and Anchor
- Tikhon Dzyadko, TV Rain, Editor-in-Chief
- Milica Pesic, Media Diversity Institute (MDI)
- Georgia Thanou
- Aristeidis Georgiou
- Argyro Giannoudaki (Greece)
- Thimios Kakos , Freelance Journalist
- Tatiana Capodistria, Greek retired journalist
- Alexander Chritina Kopsini, secretary general of Panhellenic Federation of Journalists Unions
- Marina Drakatou, journalist, Private Insurance Monthly, privateinsurance.gr
- Kostas Nikolakopoulos
- Şebnem Arsu, journalist, Türkiye
- Eleni Voultsidou, journalist, Greece
- Michalis Sifakis, journalist, Greece
- Fotis Raisis (Greece)
- Xanthidis Pantelis, Journalist, Athens, Greece
- Maria Nikolaidou, Journalist, Athens. Greece
- Christos Michalopoulos, Athens.Greece
- Chrysa Liangou, Journalist, Athens. Greece
- Hatzis Dimitris journalist athens Greece
- Eleftheria Alavanou, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Nicholas Tsimpidas – Journalist, Greece
- Helen Belli, Journalist, Athens, Greece
- Alexis Vakis, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Alexia Svolou Journalist athens Greece
- Andreas Ch. Panagopoulos, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Vasileios Tzimtsos, journalist, Greece
- Konstantin Vorovich, Journalist, Discours.io
- Espen Brynsrud, Head of Department, Oslo Norway
- Katerina Oikonomakou, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Nikos Sakellariou
- Teona Tskhomelidze, journalist, Executive Director of Media Voice
- Alexander Kapsylis journalist, Athens, Greece
- Angeliki Boubouka, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Espen Leirset, Editor-in-Chief, Norway
- Lazaros Kokosis, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Igoumenidi Teti journalist Athens Greece
- Katja Alexander, journalist
- Andrei Kaganskikh, independent journalist
- Katerina Fikari, journalist, Greece
- Ilia Papaspyrou, journalist, Greece
- Ivana Jelača, Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans
- Nikos Kiaos, journalist Athens Greece
- Thanasis G. Kappos journalist & teacher at media studies, Athens, Greece
- Milka Tadic Mijovic, President, Centre for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro
- Christos Michaelides Journalist, Athens, Greece.
- Karali Athina Journalist, Athens, Greece.
- Nikos Theodorakis, Nick Theodorakis, Journalist, Athens, Greece
- Nikos A. Konstantopoulos, newspaper KATHIMERINI
- Georgia Mylonaki, journalist, Athens, Greece
- Theodwros Manikas, Athens, Greece
- Pannagiotis Votsis, journalist, Greece
- Sissy Alonistiotou, journalist, Greece
- Mirsini Grigori, Athens, Greece
- Tigkiris Michael, journalist, Greece
- Zoltán Sipos, editor-in-chief and manager of Átlátszó Erdély
- AndreRoth, German Journalist Federation DJV
- Milorad Ivanovic, editor in chief, BIRN Serbia#
- Nora Ralli, journalist, The Journalist Journal/2020mag.gr/ect
- Lina Stefanou, editor-in-chief of NOMAS magazine
- Erato Giannakoudi editor Athens
- Nikos Langadinos, journalist, Greece
- David Omarov, Invisible rainbow of Turkmenistan
- Yannis Alexiou, journalist, Greece
- Maria Syrrou, journalist / actress, Greece
- Argiro Morou, Journalist, Greece
- Kyriaki Fyntanidou, Greece
- Annita Triantafyllopoulou Journalist
- Natalie Sablowski, Journalist, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
- Antonis Papavomvolakis, journalist, Greece
- Giolada Koubli journalist, Athens Greece
- Dimitris Papadimitriou, journalist, Greece
- Satik Seyranyan, president of the Union of Journalists of Armenia, editor-in-chief o” (168.am)
- Katerina Koutselaki, tovima.gr
- 195. Nontas Chaldoupis, businessdaily.gr
- 196- Bülent Mumay, journalist, Turkey
- Victor Korb, DO-info, news agency
- Bilio Tsoukala Journalist Greece
- Frederik Obermaier, Director of paper trail media, Germany
- Nina Komninou, Greece
- Dimitris Tsipouras, Journalist Greece
- Tatyana Khlestunova, independent journalist, Khabarovsk
- Ia Kldiashvili (IMS)
- Irina Nedeva, journalist, Bulgaria
- Colette Wahlqvist, International Media Support
- Vineet Malik, Founder and Editor In Chief, The Revelation, India
- Zerva Effi, editor ERT
- Tasoula Karaiskaki, editor, newspaper Kathimerini
- Abdalle Mumin, Secretary General of Somali Journalists Syndicate
- Rebecca Harms, Vice Chair – ECPMF
- Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, Chair – ECPMF
- Pablo Aiquel, secretary general of national union of journalists CGT – (SNJ-CGT) France
- Miriam Țepeș-Handaric, freelance journalist
- Vasili Ivanov-chikovani, news anchor, Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB)
- Katrin Wehry (Program Director Georgia, DW Akademie)
- Nelly Kalu, Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism
- Roxana Stan, Recorder (Romania)
- Nastasia Arabuli, journalist, Radio Free Europe (Georgia)
- Berdia,Kalandia, Timer.ge , Director , Georgia(Tbilisi)
- Nino Ivanishvili, GIPA, Caucasus School of Journalism, Dean
- Tiko Nachkebia, GIPA. Lecturer, Georgia
- Maka Bibilashvili, The Editor at NewsOn.ge, Georgia
- Ana Anghel-Dimache, Buletin de București, reporter, România
- Giorgi Jamburia, Journalist, freelance
- Eva Bognar, Mediaforum, Coordinating Director, Hungary