STATEMENT: BAJ outraged at arrest of bloggers, and calls on the authorities to abide by international standards and obligations
In the past few days Belarus authorities arrested well-known political bloggers and Telegram channel authors Ihar Losik ( Belarus Golovnogo Mozga), Siarhei Piatrukhin, Aliaksandr Kabanau, Aliaksandr Andreyeu (Orsha dlia Zhizni), Uladzimir Niaronski (Slutsk dlia Zhizni;), Uladzimir Tsyhanovich (MozgON) and Siarhei Sparysh (moderator of Telegram channels of the Narodnaya Hramada party organizing committee).
The bloggers, charged with organizing group activities that breach public order (Art. 342 Part 1 of the Criminal Code), were arrested in the midst of the political situation and the political public debate.
According to the international standards of freedom of expression, it is the freedom of political debate that should be most protected.
The Belarusian Association of Journalists expresses outrage over the arrest of bloggers and authors of Telegram channels and calls on the authorities of Belarus to abide by international standards and obligations in the field of freedom of speech.
The Belarusian Association of Journalists