Euronews to cover Minsk’s preparations for the 2nd European games
BAJ Asks BelTA CEO Not to Bring «BelTA Case» to Court
Harassment of journalists breaks records in Belarus – nearly 100 fines so far this year
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Belarusian government’s international partners to react to the surge in its persecution of journalists, with nearly 100 fines imposed already this year on reporters working for exile media – an all-time record.
Targets in BelTA Criminal Investigation Served Official Charges
The Belarusian Association of Journalists held a solidarity action «Stand Up for Journalism» on November 5
November 5 — Stand Up for Journalists!
Ministry of Information to BAJ: Neither We, Nor Journalists Need CSOs as Intermediaries
Ukrainian Journalist Mykola Balaban Detained in Belarus
Homel Court to Try Director for Documentary
Alexander Huseu, district inspector of Homel Central police department, informed freelance journalist Maria Bulavinskaya about the report he had made on her under Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code for production of a documentary "Homeless city" without accreditation.
Journalist Volha Czajczyc arrested for doing her job
Belarus defies UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva report
The government of Belarus continues to refrain from cooperating with the UN Human Rights Committee, the Committee’s president Yuval Shany said during the presentation of the country’s first report in 20 years.
MEPs condemn harassment and detention of journalists in Belarus
HRDs present alternative report on human rights situation in Belarus
BelTA case: Independent news agency employees interrogated en masse
TUT.BY editor opens up about police pressure
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